
Creating adult artwork

  • 2,199 paid members
  • 413 posts
  • $7,786/month

Choose your membership

Basic stuff
 / month
  • Access to sketches
  • WiP of current project
  • Ability to vote whenever I hold the poll
  • Access to patreon exclusive art (currently very little of that)
Most popular
Access to High Resolution
 / month
  • High-resolution versions of colored pictures
See how I draw
 / month
  • .psd files of most works
  • Step by step drawing snapshots
Monthly Sketch
 / month
Sold Out

Limited spaces - SOLD OUT

  • Leave me a description for a 2 character sketch and I'll may draw it within a month by random. Or your pledge back. Repeat every month. Rules are here: Later, these sketches can win a poll and become fully drawn Illustrations.

Monthly Sketch Guaranteed
 / month
Sold Out

Limited spaces - SOLD OUT

  • Leave me a description for a 3 character sketch and I'll draw it within a month, guaranteed. Repeat every month. Later, these sketches can win a poll and become fully drawn Illustrations. Rules are here:
Recent posts by SanePerson

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