
Creating Adult pictures and comics for grown ups

  • 688 paid members
  • 431 posts

Choose your membership

The tiper tier
 / month
Tip jar tier. Every little thing helps, this is a good way for those that just want to support the cause, the mission  keep on drawing curvy and big things! (Notice this is a non reward tier)
The tip tier two
 / month
Second tip tier if you just like my work and want to throw a couple of dollars my way. thanks!
Most popular
The all updates Tier.
 / month
For the person who wants to give that extra dollar. The current active tier that contains all the new updates.
  • Early access to most of the finished pictures, animations and comics
The Groovy Giver
 / month

(This tier is currently paused, I'd recommend the 5 dollar tier for now which is active)

For the giver with a big heart, and a slightly deeper wallet that wants to have early access and have a look at those comics and other things!

  •  Early access to the finished pictures, animations and comics.

  •  Access to the occasional exclusive patreon pictures.

  • Early Access to sketches.

  • Leave poll suggestions and vote in a polls.

  • highres versions of images.

The Other Groovy Giver
 / month
Altruistic Adjutant
 / month

(This tier is currently paused, I'd recommend the 5 dollar tier for now which is active)

At the moment the Altruistic Adjutants do not give for self gain, but because they are that slight extra touch of greatness that we all have in us. All of the above and mainly a great big thank you for giving that extra to keep me going. If I come up with anything extra I might put it here but there are currently not many updates to this tier.

Other Adjutant
 / month
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